This website is a combination of the articles, news, shows and other information of anything that interests me. Hope you find something interesting for yourself here.
hmm the stuff about Lord Krishna isn't right. Janmashtami (his date of birth) is in Aug/Sept not Dec and he was not crucified, he was accidentally shot by a hunter with an arrow. Horus was not born of a virgin (Isis put together Osiris' body parts and did the nasty nasty with his mummified self)and as far as i know wasnt born with 3 kings or on dec 25th or anything. Don't know about the other people, but that video is intriguing and makes you think about the similarities of "Gods" across the world..
If you are dreamer, welcome If you are stealer, welcome If you are healer, welcome If you are a wisher, a liar, a hoper, a prayer, a magic-bean-buyer, WELCOME Even if you are pretender, welcome, sit by my fire, for I have some flax-golden tales to spin. Welcome! Welcome!!
A simple word like “trip” can be used in such different context. Some use the word when they are going from one place to another. Some use the word to describe an intense, stimulating, or exciting experience, while there are others who use the word when they fall. At the end, it’s really the same word.
hmm the stuff about Lord Krishna isn't right. Janmashtami (his date of birth) is in Aug/Sept not Dec and he was not crucified, he was accidentally shot by a hunter with an arrow.
Horus was not born of a virgin (Isis put together Osiris' body parts and did the nasty nasty with his mummified self)and as far as i know wasnt born with 3 kings or on dec 25th or anything.
Don't know about the other people, but that video is intriguing and makes you think about the similarities of "Gods" across the world..
yup, all the facts are not correct, but i like the idea on how many god mythologies have some very distant similarities
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